
The Problem

Our Solution

The Experience for End Users

The Experience for Content Providers

The Problem

Content providers from around the world are uploading hundreds of millions of video files to the major streaming service each year. However, only a tiny fraction of them ever get paid for their efforts. The main reason lies in the product format. Since any digital file can be copied, content providers have resigned themselves to just giving their work away. We think there is a fairer way. Content providers have a right to be paid for their work.

Our Solution

Our system converts MP4 video files into our proprietary VVM format and stores them on our server. Content providers then sell links where the video files can be downloaded. Prior to each download, we create a custom version of that file to make it unique for the buyer. Then, we embed it with a unique code for the buyer. When the buyer loads the file on his machine, our system links the buyer's code to a unique code found on the user's device. From that point onward, whenever that file is played, the viewing software will first verifiy that it is meant to be played on that device. If so, then the file will play. If not, then it won't.

This approach means that the files you sell are protected. If a downloaded file is copied onto another device, it will not run. This approach, combined with modest pricing for the file, enables content providers can earn better revenues from the VendorVideo system than from streaming.

The Experience for End Users

The user finds a VVM video for sale on a website. The user buys the file and receives a link by either email, text message, or on the purchase page. If the user does not have the VendorVideo viewer, then he downloads it. We have viewer apps for Windows, Android, and iOS environments. Once the app is open, the user pastes the link into the app. The app downloads the video and adds it to the local menu. From then on, whenever the user wants to view the video, he opens the app and selects it from the menu.

The Experience for Content Providers

First register with us on this website. The registration is free. Next, upload your MP4 video. This must be your video, and you must have the legal right to sell it. Once we have verified the video, we will send you a link to sell this file. This link, when clicked, will generate a custom VVM file for your customer. You can sell the link on your website or on other websites, and you set your own prices.